Thursday, June 9, 2016

Landlords Benefitted Greatly while Veterans Return to Homelessness

While Veterans Struggle While Housed, Landlords Relish the Rewards by HUD-VASH Payments

Look up any brochure for the HUD-VASH program to house chronically homeless veterans and you'll see a slew of appeals to landlords to revile in this gold rush of dollars from the federal government.

Landlords, understandably are in it to make money and are not in it for altruistic reasons.  It's a goldmine and veterans are the conduit to cash for others while the veteran is overwhelmed by multiple unrealistic compliances to stay in the program.  A path that may have been wrought with overwhelming challenges such as mental, physical, financial, imprisonment, alcohol and drug abuse.

While landlords do nothing more or less as they would for anyone else including noncompliance for safety, care for the facility or basic needs regulated by law.  A veteran will be thrown out back onto the streets for the simplest infraction.  You are to walk a straight path despite all that would be in your way.  Budget cuts to the program place the Veteran, not the HUD-VASH program into legal and dismal actions because the despite pre arrangements of support can be dropped at a moments notice.

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