Saturday, October 31, 2015

Vash Bash - Turning Men Into Boys

How Veterans are being recycled back into the streets of America

Let me get right to the point, then fill in the details by stating my personal experience.  HUD-VASH is kicking me out into the street with at the end of this month of November 2015.  

HUD-VASH are throwing veterans into the street while proclaiming to get vets out of homelessness to the media. Shuffling veterans around like a deck of cards at the convenience of non-profits and federal agencies while filling their coffers.  Everyone but the veteran is benefiting while veterans continue to linger in obscurity on the edge of returning to homelessness, loneliness and dependency enforced by incompetent oversight with slight of hand finances.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Hello and welcome to my blog.  My name is Abby Nixon. I'm a veteran and I will use this blog to highlight not only my experience as a military person but more as a veteran.  I entered the US Navy after high school in 1977 from Chicago.  A classmate Allen and I went to boot camp together in a buddy program so that summer after high school, we boarded a flight to San Diego, unfortunately, he had to stay behind to settle a traffic ticket.  Allen was in the class behind me.

We both exited the Navy in 1981 and met up once in Chicago. Allen eventually re-entered the US Navy and retired to California after achieving the rank of Chief. I had started college at Columbia College Chicago for photojournalism and transferred to the University of Missouri/Columbia where for a year and a half, I was in the college ROTC officer class and joined the local National Guard, an armory unit as a junior officer.  I chose to forego being commissioned an officer after much thought about if I really wanted to live a life in the military after much problems I experienced in the US Navy.